CFOs are great at some things, poor at others. We lag with our artistic bent. That can only mean our branded websites probably look dull, drab, and lifeless.
What if I could tell you that I possessed the really cool way to pick brand colors for your website? For those of you with fat marketing budgets, this idea even works with your sports apparel.
Do You Have a Favorite Sports Team?
If you have not figured this out, Free Agent CFO™ loves sports. That love of sports led to a creative idea of finding the perfect colors for any brand.
Marketing experts, eat your hearts out. Here’s the coolest site for picking those brand colors. It’s called Team Color Codes.
Why figure out color combinations on your own when the work has been done for you?
At Team Color Codes, you can pick from 6 different sports leagues:
- Major League Baseball (MLB)
- National Basketball Association (NBA)
- National Football League (NFL)
- National Hockey League (NHL)
- Major League Soccer (MLS)
Let’s say you like the colors of the Vancouver Whitecaps of the MLS. Click on the team and you’ll be provided the hex and RGB color codes:
Store Your Brand Colors in a Safe Place for Easy Access
Weekly, sometimes daily, I need access to my brand’s colors for slide decks, landing pages, and images. I keep mine in an Evernote folder.
In my Evernote notes, I have documented the hex and RGB codes, a link to my color palette, and a screenshot of the color palette.
I did not copy a team’s colors. Instead, I found a couple teams I liked, then I found some flat, winter colors from the the site Color-Hex.
Since I chose not to hire a graphic artist (for now), choosing the path I took was fast and painless. I think I spent less than two hours on this project that will impact this brand for years.
Don’t overthink this stuff. Remember, Nike spent just a few bucks on their swoosh.

CFOs Need to Look Good
We spend each day making our clients look great. Isn’t it time we look the part too?
Now you know how to sport your way to looking like an MVP.